Marquinhos Ramos
Marquinhos Ramos

Artist Profile

Marquinhos RamosMarquinhos Ramos Born in 1964 in Belo Horizonchi, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 1979, he formed Duo Brasil Pandeiro, his first band as a leader. At the age of 15, he started his career as a professional musician. Later, one more member joined and the group was renamed Trio Brasil Pandeiro. Since 1983, the group has toured abroad many times. In 1988, he came to Japan for the bands tour. Since then, he has continued their musical activities in Japan. He composed and arranged a Samba de Enredo for the Asakusa samba team Nakamise Barbaros. He contributed to their three championships in 1996, 1998, and 1999. In 2005, he released his first solo album Roda de Samba as a singer in Japan. In 2012, he won the award for best Brazilian male singer in Japan at the Brazilian International Press Awards Japan. For more than 30 years since his arrival in Japan, he has also been active as a producer in the field of international cultural exchange between Japan and Brazil, including inviting many prominent artists from Brazil and organizing the Festival Cinema Brasil. His contributions were recognized by the Japanese government with a letter of appreciation at the 30 Anos da Comunidade Brasileira no Japão event to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Brazilian community in Japan in 2020. In recent years, he has re-started his live performances, mainly with his project of singing a new type of Brazilian music as singer-songwriter Marquinhos Ramos and with his samba unit Tres do Samba. On October 2, 2023, he released the new single Fonte do Amor, which he had been recording on since before the COVID-19 pandemic. The second single, Fio Condutor, was released on December 2nd of the same year (Samba Day in Brasil). And on February 1, 2024, we plan to release the single Lágrimas, which will be the third consecutive release and the keystone of this project.
Genre: Brazilian Music, Samba, MPB, LatinActive Area: Tokyo
Tupi Records