サウンドセラピスト真琴Soundtherapist MAKOTO
サウンドセラピスト 真琴
幼少よりピアノを修練した。仙台出身。東日本大震災の後、ピアノ即興演奏をするようになり、さらに自身と同じ名の楽器『真琴』に出会い被災地や、神社仏閣で、魂を癒すための奉納演奏をはじめた。定期的にピアノと真琴の演奏でソロコンサートを開催しているが、2020年から新型コロナウィルスの猛威で外出自粛となり「Facebook Live」で『癒しのライブ配信』をはじめ現在も続けている。2021年7月現在、そのフォロワー数は4万人を超え、今も増え続け、世界中からファンが彼女の演奏を聴くためにアクセスしている。
Soundtherapist MAKOTO
She practiced the piano from an early age. She is from Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. She began to improvise on the piano after the “Great East Japan Earthquake.” She has encountered the musical instrument "Makoto" with the same name as her name, and began dedication performances to heal the souls of people, both alive and dead, in the disaster areas and shrines and temples. She regularly holds solo concerts with Piano and Makoto performances. However, from 2020, people could not go out due to the influence of COVID-19. So she started her “Healing Live Streaming” on “Facebook Live” and continues to do so. As of July 2021, its her followers have exceeded 40,000 members and are still growing, with fans from all over the world accessing the live to watch to her performances.