
Artist Profile


Tanakajiken started his career an a singer-songwriter in 2007, as a vocalist/guitarist of Klagenicole (an alternative rock band which played in Kumamoto, Japan, in those days) After Klagenicole's hiatus, he played in several other bands(Mice Wet Shoes/Klagitz/zankyo souchi) In 2019, he became a solo-artist, singer-songwriter, and still continuing playing and singing. [2019] 1st album Requiem for My Generation [2021] 2nd album Folklore for Circulate Life [2022] The Pigeonizing Incidents(Tanakajiken&Hatokaneko)-Faint e.p. [2023] 3rd album: The Space for Different Poetrries of Same Titles 4th album: The Birth of My Dear Little Magma Bear [2024.6.1] 5th album: Intoroduction of Eurhythmics for My Dear Little Magma Bear

Genre: Alternative Folk
Active area: Kumamoto, Japan


Mellowsounds Works / 4JC RECORDS / TNKJKN RECORDS