Tokyo MinYo Club
Tokyo MinYo Club

Artist Profile

Tokyo MinYo Club

A folk music as called MinYo is a song of the people in Japan. Music based on time, region, work, nature, and festivals. It can be said to be the most closely related popular music in our lives. Folk Music x Street Culture = Tokyo MinYo Club. Folk music as called MinYo change its style along with time and generation. Re-democratization of folk music and bringing Japanese sounds to our life. With its thoughts, Yutaka Oyama, the third generation of the Tsugaru-Shamisen Oyama style formed a project convening various musicians. A music that created and used the potential of the root foundation of Japanese music they resonate it to the across Japan and to the world. Playing the folk music Minyo of this generation. That is Tokyo MinYo Club.

Active area: Tokyo
Ohayashi Record