Vera Jagape
Vera Jagape

Artist Profile

Vera Jagape

She is a thirteen (13) years old singer who hails from Davao, City. One of her feats happened in 2019 when she landed a top 6 finish in the most renowned Philippine singing contest, "THE VOICE KIDS SEASON 4". She was selected by Ms. Lea Salonga to join her team in the said contest. During the competition proper, she proved that it is possible to be one of the most competitive but friendly contestant at the same time. Vera is also a member of MUZIC'SKOOL ARTIST in Davao. She has a regular singing engagements and event performances all over the city. Some of her citations are being adjudge as a singer of the year at the "Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School from 2016 to 2019 and winning the grand champion awardee for the "Nihongo Song Singing Contest" in 2017. Vera is currently affiliated with STARGLAZE, a performing art company situated in Davao City. Also, she is active in MUZICSKOOL, one of Davao's biggest musical hubs for artist and performers. Watch out for this kid. She got what it takes to succeed.

Genre: Pop
Active area: Philippines