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WELL-DONEJust around the time Nas released Anlmatic in New York in 1994.
The notprosyed Hyogo Prefecture is born in Amagasaki, a professional family of a certain road.
The smiley episode such as the dump rushes into the house grows up innumerable daily, and it is a wagamama.
She weighs BIG L. The T-shirt is XXL. The big banging is always XXXL.
The skill of the skyrocketing is Kyoto FINEST TOP Bowie of the unknown number.
It's been about three years since I held the microphone.
The MC name is borrowed from Ale of the [Ab] that the body shape and the sense of indectness have increased.
It is polite to bake and eat the beef ed well.
The nice groove released by the natural evil nori is the floor banger in itself.
Genre: HIPHOPActive area: Kyoto,Osaka
Jointz Records