Yowa Shi Da DaiSuke
Latest Release
Artist Profile
Yowa Shi Da DaiSukeHe is a shamanic and punk artist born on the 13th, who explores the "limbo between life and death" through his special birthday.
He is also a drummer, a musical jester who handles everything from instrument playing to recording and editing.
His insane rhythms, sharp satire, and at the same time cynical yet pure expressions, will stimulate and liberate your mind's outlet, appearing suddenly like a black cat from a side street of another world.
Now, come and witness the music of "Yowa Shi Da DaiSuke" (Translation: "The world is death, Daisuke").
Experience his soul's quest together.
Genre: Active Area: Japan
Yowa Shi Da DaiSukeRole: Vo,Gt,Ba,Syn and Dr
World Death Records