
DJ NATTTYDJ NATTTY 幼少期から母親の影響でBlack Musicは身近な存在であり、 West Coast Hip Hop,R&B,Soul のDJとしてキャリをスタート その後Reggaeに魅せられJAMAICAに生活の拠点をかえ 現在ジャマイカ在住10年 数々のジャマイカの現場でプレイし、 自身のSOUND SYSTEMも制作し毎週木曜日のレギュラーダンス Vinyl Thursday をJamaica,Kingstonで5年間キープし、沢山のSOUND,アーティスト達ともセッションしストリートで認められ Bob Marley 72歳の生誕祭、SMILE JAMAICA、Rebel Salute ,Chronixxのジャマイカ国内のツアーセレクターや、海外ヨーロッパの、ドイツ、オランダ、スペイン、スロベニア、スロべキア、ベルギーの等のフェスティバルでもプレイし独自のキャリアを積む。 現在は自身の音楽を追求するため レーベル Blue Ribbon Recordsを始動。 2018年に出したJA DRIVE RIDDIMが最初の作品。 DJ NATTTY Due to his mother's influence, black music has been familiar to him since he was a child, and he started his career as a DJ of West Coast Hip Hop, R&B, and Soul. After that, he was fascinated by reggae and moved to Jamaica. He has been living in Jamaica for 10 years now. He has played at many Jamaican venues, produced his own sound system, and kept the regular dance Vinyl Thursday in Kingston, Jamaica for 5 years, and has been recognized on the streets by jamming with many sounds and artists. He has built his own career by playing as a tour selector for Bob Marley's 72nd birthday, SMILE JAMAICA, Rebel Salute, and Chronixx in Jamaica, and at festivals in Europe such as Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Belgium. He is currently starting a label called Blue Ribbon Records to pursue his own music. His first work was JA DRIVE RIDDIM, released in 2018.
ジャンル:Reggae , Hip Hop ,R&B, Soul活動エリア:関東エリア Jamaica ,canada , US ,Uk , EU
Blue Ribbon Records