Mika Arisaka & The Sunshowers
Mika Arisaka & The Sunshowers

Artist Profile

Mika Arisaka & The SunshowersMika Arisaka & The Sunshowers, founded in 2010 by a vocalist Mika Arisaka, is a unique band profiling the theme of 'family'. This production commemorates their 10th anniversary during the time under Covid-19. Although the year 2020 was their 10th anniversary year, due to the effect of Covid-19, the Sunshowers were no longer able to meet for rehearsals, nor have their own 10th anniversary concerts. Instead, they kept practicing remotely with zoom and each participant recorded his or her parts at home, sang on the track recorded and mixed by musicians who are renounced professionals in Japanese music industry. Our "Gonna Be a Lovely Day" is a "Stay Home Edition" cover of "Lovely Day" by Bill Withers, who unfortunately left us in 2020. Although the singers couldn't see each other for a while, the act of singing still brought their hearts together throughout this production. It has become a lovely video that celebrates our 10th anniversary.
Genre: R&B, Pop, GospelActive Area: Tokyo
The Sunshower Records