Artist Profile
A group of six supernova singers started on February 18, 2023, by Sanuta, Shiu, Inuchiyo, Hikachi, Yuzutora and Keitty.The release of original songs before the members' announcement, the release of original songs up to the third album along with the start of their activities, and the release of their first album attract attention.The artist's ability to sing catchy songs from various genres based on pop music by talented members who are rich in individuality overwhelms viewers.In addition to the original music, he is also actively engaged in activities such as entertainment videos, anime videos, and distribution, and is steadily spreading his name to scenes.On September 27, 2023, the first album "FIRST PLANET" is scheduled to be released.
Genre: UTAITEActive Area: Tokyo
SanutaRole: Vocals
ShiuRole: Vocals
InuchiyoRole: Vocals
HikachiRole: Vocals
YuzutoraRole: Vocals
KeittyRole: Vocals