Artist Profile
FUMUMI TAKAHASHIMusician, actor and man with radio personality and a
colorful countenance! A general lick does the amateur
age and many contests in localness Hokkaido. I'm also
the person who had an influence on YUKI (ex.JUDY AND MARY) and GLAY where he's a local junior.
I move an activity base to Tokyo in 1999 concurrently
with actor activity and debut more than an indies label.
A CD, DVD release and the whole country tour are
performed. I'm active by a solo acoustic& band (Takahashi FUMUMI & THE GRASSHOPPERS) at present.The stage live performance for which actor's experience was
utilized is highlights. One for the side of activity and
artist upbringing of young people Such as holding a live event and the toque event to which a star was
appointed, I'm also playing an active part widely as eventer and a promoter.
Genre: RockActive Area: Japan