Living dead
Living dead

Artist Profile

Living dead

Living Dead's Three Basic Principles: No. 1 Never give up. No. 2 Select sounds of substance. No. 3 Love and respect. A fastidious subculture junkie whose roots are deep, yet extend beyond... with an unshakeable stance for liberation. A dedicated beat maker who resourcefully uses a laptop and outboard to deliver sounds that sway and move you. With the support of the skate scene, created soundtracks for TIGHTBOOTH PRODUCTION, GRAPEVINE ASIA, SKATE ATOM; produced music for rapper Meiso of LIONZ OF ZION, NAGAN SERVER, BUPPON, et al; and remixed for MANTIS, BIJA, COLTECO, et al. Continuously working on original creations. Even after the release of Living Dead's first album, Private Anthem in 2013, still hungrily lured into the music scene... Input and output on an infinite loop.

Genre: Hip Hop, wold, break beats, instrumental
Active area: kyoto Japan,Bangkok,Taipei
Kyoto Experimental Music