Sex machine
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PAN & セックスマシーン!!
ロック, オルタナティブ, J-Pop
| BPM 117.556夜にさよなら
ロック, オルタナティブ, J-Pop
| BPM 115.5Artist Profile
Sex machineFormed around Kobe's prestigious Nada High School school festival band, vocalist Takeshi Morita. After that, members left and joined, and after many twists and turns, the current system was established in 2014.
With the background of 70's British rock, they develop punk rock with a sense of speed.
The band name was inspired by James Brown's song, Queen's lyrics, and named without any malice.
After that, there is no way to know that the national broadcast will refuse to appear because of the band name.
With songs that are unusually particular about "simpleness", emotional lyrics, and a live style that is so hot that it is hot, everyone at the venue will sing along and turn them into "guest vocals".
Genre: RockActive Area: KOBE JAPAN
Takefumi MoritaRole: Vo.Key
Kiyoshi KondoRole: Guitar
Akira HinoRole: Ba.Mand.Cho
Ken ogataRole: Drums
Power Records