Tokushima Awa Odori Association
Tokushima Awa Odori Association

Artist Profile

Tokushima Awa Odori Association

Established in 1969, the Tokushima Awa Odori Association is comprised of 54 Awa Odori dance troupes (known as ren) within Tokushima Prefecture. Each group attracts audiences with their smiling faces, and rich personalities shown throughout various spectacular compositions, and sometimes even involving the crowd in their performances. While performing mainly at events and festivals throughout various regions, they continue to develop and promote the culture of Awa Odori, and improve their own musical performances and dances, that have become popular not only within Japan, but all across the world. Awa Odori dance is a timeless dance that transcends language, age, and nationalities. The Awa Odori Association looks to continue to showcase the charms of Tokushima to many people through the beauty of Awa Odori dance. This performance is made up of 18 different groups selected by the Tokushima Branch of the Tokushima Awa Odori Association. The 18 troupes belonging to the Tokushima Branch are: Aoi-ren, Awaougi-ren, Ukiyo-ren, Uzuki-ren, Ebisu-ren, Kikusui-ren, Gejyaraku-ren, Koma-ren, Godyahei-ren, Shin Nonki-ren, Suikyou-ren, Tonosama-ren, Hachisuka-ren, Heiwa-ren, Honma-ren, Manji-ren, Miyako-ren, Yukyu-ren

Genre: Carnival Music
Active area: Tokushima/Japan
Tokushima Awa Odori Association