Artist Profile

Nagase Yuka

A "Datsurikyoku-kei artist" who works in both two dimensions (Digital) and three dimensions (Physical). He is a virtual artist using 3DCG and illustrations, and a real artist working in the real world (live-action), using different forms and methods of expression depending on the medium in which he is active. In August 2023, he held his first solo live "Eureka" at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM. Tickets were sold out in advance and the venue was packed, and the performance, which also featured 3D figures, became a hot topic in the industry. In September 2023, they released their first tie-up song "Mujaki nakimochi. The song commemorated the 20th anniversary of the popular Chirole Chocolate "Kinako Mochi" product and has been viewed over 1 million times on TikTok. In September of the same year, she released the mini-album "Launchvox. The album features up-and-coming artists such as "PC Music Club," "mekakushe," "Masao Sasagawa," "Iyowa," and "Uyama Amane," and has won acclaim beyond the boundaries of virtual artists.

Genre: Electronic / J-Pop
Kigensho Record