kajirimaria from kajiri
kajirimaria from kajiri

Artist Profile

kajirimaria from kajiriWe are launching a new generation rock project band, "KajiriKajiri," featuring the virtual singer Kajiri Maria as the Vocalist. This initiative is the embodiment of my dream, the music I wish to create, and a means to solidify my expression. I have decided to pursue my activities as the vocalist, Kajiri Maria, of the rock project "KajiriKajiri." Kajiri Maria, from "KajiriKajiri," brings a wide range of vocal styles, with a foundation in Japan's unique enka and kayokyoku, while integrating the essence of modern sounds to develop a contemporary style of kayokyoku rock. After approximately six months of solo activity, in pursuit of further leaps forward, the project unit will kick off anew in April 2024, welcoming the new Guitar & manipulator, Yukihiro Watanabe. Our aim is to eventually share this wonderful aspect of Japanese culture with the world and, through our music activities, provide energy and courage to those who watch and support us. "KajiriKajiri" Vocalist, Kajiri Maria.
Maria KajiriRole: Vocals
Yukihiro WatanabeRole: Guitar&manipulator
