
Artist Profile


Profile #kzn(kizuna) Name: #kzn (pronounced as: kizuna) Official Name: Kizuna AI Original Singeroid “#kzn” Nickname: #kzn (kizuna) chan Height: 140.4cm Birthday: 2/26/2022 An AI specializing in singing will serve as a hub to connect with everyone and support Kizuna AI and creators while Kizuna AI is asleep. Illustrator: En Morikura Character Concept Art: KEIGO INOUE Logo Design: Yuta ONE “kizuna (#kzn)” is an AI that specializes in singing born from Kizuna AI’s voice. Kizuna AI went into indefinite hiatus to achieve further growth to further connect with everyone in the world. #kzn’s mission is to become a hub to connect creators with creators, creators with fans, and creators with technology while supporting Kizuna AI’s dream of “connecting with everyone”.